How to Get Help

Fill out the form below and press “Send.” It’s that easy.

What Kind of Assistance Can You Find Here?

We’ve helped people find assistance with rent, power bills, firewood, emergency household repairs like water heaters, car maintenance, and various other items. We can also recommend existing organizations and financial classes, depending on what you’re looking for. Whatever your need is - yard work, auto maintenance, snow plowing, prayer, food - let us know and we’ll send it out to see who is equipped to help.

How it Works

  1. Complete and submit the form below. We usually see it within one day.

  2. We’ll call to confirm that you were the one who submitted the form, and not someone else on your behalf. Nominating a friend for assistance is no problem, but we need to establish personal contact with the individual in need before requesting assistance.

  3. We send it to our email list to see who can help.

  4. We DO NOT send your personal information to anyone without your permission. To the extent possible, each request is presented in non-personal terms to protect your privacy. i.e. “Two cords of firewood needed in Daniel.”

  5. When we get a response from someone who wants to help, we will notify you and give you the option to connect with that individual.

  6. At this point, we will step back and allow you to coordinate directly with one another.

  7. We ask that you follow up with us to confirm if your need was met or not.

We do not handle money. We are not a 501(c)3. This is simply a platform to connect neighbors in need with neighbors who can assist.

How Can We Help?

Complete the form below with as much detail as you think is necessary. We can’t anticipate every possible need, and we can’t make any guarantees, but there are people out there who want to bless you and we’ll do our best to find them.